Output image names are appended with _IMGP if -overwrite option is not used.If PATH is omitted, the current directory is processed. Multiple files and directories can be specified as source.s byte, -size byte minimum size to process an image r, -recurse process non-symbolic dirs recursively q N, -quality N quality factor (N=1-95, JPEG only)

P, -progressive save JPEG images as progressive O, -optimize optimize the output images

N, -nearest use nearest neighbour interpolation for PNG M res, -minres res min resolution in HxV or percentage of -res to resize k, -keep skip (honors -c or -pr) images matching specified f, -force force to exact specified resolution a, -adapt adapt to resolution by orientation o deg, -rotate deg rotate clockwise by angle (in degrees) x res, -res res output resolution in HxV or percentage h, -help show this help message and exit Nautilus Image Converter calls the convert utility from ImageMagick. 4.5GB in size) of mixed resolutions (high to regular) stored in a USB 2.0 external hard disk at an adaptive resolution of 1366x1000 in around 8 minutes.

Same as non-adaptive.įor example, if an image has a resolution of 2048x1365 and is being resized to 1366x768: If the specified and image orientations are same, the image is resized with the shorter specified side as reference.adaptive resize considering orientation.File manager nnn provides a script to batch resize images with imgp. On desktop environments (like Xfce or LxQt) which do not integrate Nautilus, imgp will save your day. Imgp intends to be a stronger replacement of the Nautilus Image Converter extension, not tied to any file manager and way faster. Powered by multiprocessing, SIMD parallelism (thanks to the Pillow-SIMD library), an intelligent adaptive algorithm, recursive operations, shell completion scripts, EXIF preservation (and more), imgp is a very flexible utility with well-documented easy to use options. It can resize (or thumbnail) and rotate thousands of images in a go, at lightning speed, while saving significantly on storage. Imgp is a command line image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images. Watch imgp resize a directory of images in lightning speed!